Have I already said how much I adore Coach Pyle? If I haven't already then I will take this moment to say that I absolutely love Coach. He has been so lovely to me and so welcoming. He has been supportive of my ministry even allowing me to pray over the boys. I can honestly say that if coach has a bad quality or trait I have not found it. I kinda joke around and call him papa Pyle but looking at it now he is kinda like a dad or an uncle because he is just so up beat finding at least one good thing in every situation and he is just so encouraging. Recently I got accepted into the Job Corps medical program in coastal Ga and the day I found out I emailed coach to tell him the ministry will go on but it may just be someone else running it and then I explained why. I was so sure that he'd say something like "Well don't worry about it, we'll be fine" but he didn't he told me good luck, that they wished me luck and to keep in touch. I honestly felt like he understood while I wanted to be there and have things the way they were last season I just had to do this for me. I thank God for sending coach Pyle to us and to me. I also wish him so much success this season. And coach, let's win the Kelly Cup this year!!
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