Saturday, November 13, 2010

Johnny weir too girly?

I love watching figure skating but there was something or actually someone who bothered me! His name? Johnny weir. Yes the feminine Johnny Weir. To be fair he is in a sport traditionally seen as a "girl sport" but there is a good amount of class and femininity that a guy can have with out being Johnny Weir!! Who did I cheer for? Evan Lysacek! Of course! He's talented, cute, charming and not creepy feminine like Johnny. And may we not forget that Evan won the gold against a Russian then had to dance with one at dancing with the stars!! So is Johnny too girly? You tell me I think he is.


  1. Hope, you are so full of homophobia! Accept EVERYONE for who they are AS-IS !

  2. Johnny Weir is a 'PROVEN WORLD CLASS FIGURE SKATER'!!!!!!!!!!! Why are you concerned with how feminine he looks or acts? I think maybe you need to get a hobby or something.We are all different and not put here on Earth to be judged!! Have you won the medals and received the recognition he has in his short life, so far.......? Doubtful!! I think its extremely sad, if you are an American, that you ONLY cheered on Evan! They are both equally phenomenal skaters...just different STYLES!! Johnny brings pizazz and CLASS to the rink! He is always exciting to watch and i think hes 1 of the best skaters ever!! Worry about yourself........NOT OTHER PEOPLE!! REMEMBER, WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE?

  3. I do accept everyone as is Let me explain in blog please will post it soon

  4. I like him! Why is his sexuality an issue?
    Live and let live. Is he hurting anyone?

  5. No he's hurting noone but again new blog will explain it all

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. i think he is astonishing! i applaud anyone who has the courage to be in the public eye and still be true to themselves.... im gay, and while i dont particularly care for the way he acts, i do appreciate that he is himself, and puts on a act for no one.

  8. I totally agree with the last comment if you act like he does fine and he's an amazing talent but he's just a little flamboyant for my taste

  9. Evan is a skater. Johnny is an artist.
