There's a reason I love my boys, their personalities. Bogi has this goofy, young pesonality. If he wasn't so busy and had time I could see us hanging out as friends. I know he's 4 years younger with a girlfriend, that's why I said friend!! He'll do something silly during practice and I'll sometimes be the only one laughing. We're just 2 big dorky goof balls!!Bogi also has a sweet and serious side.He loves people, including kids!! I always smile and stand so proud of how he handles himself, so awesome.
As I told you in a previous blog I prayed with my Gladiator prayer partner Sulli. It was a very bonding moment. On the ice Sulli is a tough guy, off the ice he's by far one of the sweetest guys ever!! We kinda have a cool yet awkward friendship- which works for us!! It's pretty awesome. I think Sulli just loves people. He's sweet, funny, and just
very easy to talk to.I can have adult conversations with Sulli, not that I can't have adult conversations with Bogi but it's just easier and I have more time with Sulli. We do have a few things in common , we both lost at least 30 pounds and we don't like scary movies!! Imagine that, a tough guy who doesn't like scary movies! I think that's kinda awesome!!I'm so excited about this partnership between me and Sulli. I'm also so glad he's becoming comfortable with me. I'm still sticking to the whole friendship thing since he's married. He's 6 years older than me so I wouldn't mind him thinking of me as a little sister. I would welcome that with open arms!!Actually to serve him better as a prayer partner he may need to be very comfortable sharing with me and I know there will be things he couldn't share or wouldn't want to share and I'm ok with that. Sulli is one of the coolest guys ever who loves people, including kids. He recently went bowling and to Grand Pre with a few fans and the rest of the team. The whole time he was playing with the kiddies!! Gotta love a big tough guy who loves kids and is sweet to a little southern chick!! SO I love my two boys they make me laugh!!!

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