Although I'm not so fond of Ilya, he's still talented and he's our tem captian! The reason why I picked Ilya is because this year Ilya reached a milestone in his career--his 300th goal. Not being satisfied with that Ilya (Ya-ya) continues to build on that. Last season he was named captian. I have not gotten to speak with Ilya, he's one of our shy boys. He always seems to be off in his own little world only signing stuff for a few fans. Either he's shy or just stuck up!! When I decided to honor Ya-ya, I started to read blogs to include since I didn't have a lot of experinces with Ilya. The one thing I learned is that you should never let his even temper during practice fool you, Ilya has a nasty temper When provoked. I also learned that Ya-ya has 2 bronze medals from the world championships. Yes ladies he is married with 2 kids, a little boy (Philip) and a little girl (Karolina)! This guy a;so runs a charity called Kovy's kids!!
I will post more about him in his bio blog!!
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