Boys and girls are different, we all know that, this is why we find each other complicated yet totally irresitable.I love watching my boys and talking to them. The little goobers are crazy but I love them. On each team we have fighters and snipers. Snipers are guys that you don't see coming un
til they fight, score a goal or run someone into the boards!! We have at least 2 snipers on the gladiators, Pat Galivan and Matt Siddall. I'm not too sure about the thrashers sniper situation. Snipers make games interesting. I was at a game last season and there was a new guy, Matt Siddall. Matt kinda blended into the rest of the team then all of a sudden he got into a fight-OOOh YEAH!!! I was instantly smitten. After the game I got to meet Matt (and Myles Stoesz). I love those boys. Matt is a very sweet guy, except for the whole fight thing. Matt is also very cute! The fighters are insane. As I learned recently fighters don't discrimenate, they'll attack anyone at anytime for any reason -it's up to the guy the fighter hits (or sometimes the fighter) to respond. My little man Zach Bogosian once hit a guy and then said "He had the puck, I wanted the puck so I hit him!!" You gotta love the logic. Guys are so Crazy!!I love my boys. As I mentioned in earlier blogs Eic Boulton is smaller (height wise-he's close to 5-3 with out his skates) but he's a fighter,
he even got into a fight with Colby Armstrong during practice (which Ms. Janet said was just stupid because he should have just used his words!). Sometimes guys just push or shove but don't really cause a fight, case in point-Chad Denny the gladiator. I went to the season opener and I heard the loudest thud that I heard in a while. When I looked in the direction the thud came from and I saw # 3 of Denny skating away. I smiled and thought "we got Chad back!!" It's good having him back. Denny is good at derailing people that's why we call him the Denny train!! I think fighters, shovers, derailers and snipers will be in great supply!

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