What a difference a week makes, I guess you could also call this blog a tale of 2 Thursdays. The thursday before last (the 18th of Feburuary) I got to pray over the Gladiators. This was no spur of the moment thing either, I had been emailing coach Pyle about praying over the boys for a while then on Monday or tuesday the week I went to pray I got the email from coach saying that I could come thursday to pray over them after practice. I was so very excited. So on Thursday I got up, got ready and left about an hour before practice started. When I got there I saw my friend Amy so I stopped to talk to her, all of a sudden I hear "Christine!!!" UH-OH I'm in trouble! "Yes Coach??" I walked over to coach and my hands were shaking. I wasn't in trouble he said he didn't know I was going to be there so early and he asked if I would like to pray over them before pracatice and I said yes. I also told him that I had scriptures for them. He seemed kinda relieved that I was there early. So I walked behind him until Scott "Miffer" Mifsud caught my attention. I talked to him for a little bit and told him about his prayer partner. He's so awesome and precious!! Then after that I said hey to some of the other boys and headed into the rink. Coach had the boys skate around for a while then opened the gate and I got really nervous. He yells "boys, bring it in!! Bring it in!!" He looks at me and tells me to stand on the board the gate rested on. So I got into place as the boys settled into their semi circle in front of me. I smiled as I saw Michael Forney move his eyebrows at me. "Crazy boy- loving women's attention a little too much" I thought. Then I looked over and smiled when I saw Phil Youngclaus standing to my left looking at me as he just realized he reconginized me. As I looked over the boys I realized something, I had no reason to be nervous because these were my boys!! I've loved this team (maybe not these excate boys but the team) for 2 years as of January and I've known at least some of these boys for a year and a half now. I looked over and there's Chad Denny, my sweet Miq Mak I love the heck out of that boys!! He smiled at me, so sweet. Coach spoke to the boys introducing me to them saying that I was there to get God on their side for the rest of the season. So I shared a few scriptures with them about strength then I asked for prayer request--none-- and so I prayed for everything (strength, safety, wins, wisdom, and anything else I could think of). I peeked around and for the most part all of them had their eyes closed and their heads bowed. When I got done coach leans over and says "how about 'Lord help them to listen to coach'?" I smiled and said "Well Actually there is scripture that says to respect your authority" He kinda laughs and says "very good, thanks" and fist bumps me as I got of the wood. I also heard the boys yell thank you, even though it wasn't in a vey excited tone. I stayed for practice and to talk to the boys afterward if they wanted to or needed to talk. I eneded up staying until Danny, Dan and Drew left (they were the last to leave). I did talk to all of the boys and Danny was very chatty and silly. I did end up getting a smile out of Phil, I love seeing that boys smile!! While I was there all the boys were fist bumping me thanking me and I felt like I was suppose to be there! So the next day I went back bright and early to see my boys and of course I was early so I watched some of the figure skaters until my boys showed up. I said hey to Chad Denny- sweetheart but not really talkative.Then Danny Taylor walks in, now the fun begins. Danny is pretty cool so we talked for a while when he said something simple and sweet, but awkward, "pray for Jamie's head." It took all I had not to laugh "ok I will and I'll tell his prayer partner." Poor baby got a concussion. I stayed for the whole practice and until Danny left. I love those guys but sadly they lost their 2 games after the prayer. Coach didn't blame the prayer, he said it actually helped. After that I have emailed him about praying over the boys again and it might actually happen. After Friday I thought I'd have a nice break from hockey until I decided to deal with Bogi or go to a Gladiators game. I was so wrong!! I woke up saturday and went to my gym and as I was on the tredmill I saw Chris "Thor" Thorburn of the Thrashers. I finished my stuff and I saw he was on the bike and that there was an open 1 by him so I went over to talk to him, he's pretty cool. After we talked he asked me if I was coming back to cheer for them and I told him I would come back to practice as soon as the break was over. The following thursday (1 week after the prayer) I kept my promise and went to the forum to deal with Bogi. Practice was half over when I got there but I saw Bogi so I was ok. While I was watching him I saw something I missed, his little smile and I heard him laugh. As soon as practice was over and the boys started to come off the ice my heart started to pound. Bogi came off and instantly was being asked for autographs so I crossed the aisle and got close to the dressing room doors. "Zach?" He smiles and says hey. I told him what I had to say and that I would be there when he wanted me there. He smiled and said something sooooo mature but in his own 19 year old way "You're fine you're good you don't have to apologize don't worry about I'll see ya later!" Oh I am so proud!! He is such a good boy!!