To continue what I started before the Olympics of 2010 I wanted to honor the man who kinda made the miracle on ice possible, the coach. Coach Herb Brooks is one of the best coaches in the history of the game. Sadly I never got to meet him he coached before I was born and died in 2003 shortly after production of the movie about his 1980 Olympic team, Miracle. He was only 66 when he died but you could only imagine all of what he could tell you if you sat and listened. Coach was born August 5, 1837 in St Paul Minnesota and played Hockey and baseball at Johnson High School. His high school hockey team won state in 1955 while he was on the team. Herb went on to play for the university of Minnesota from 1955-1959 and almost played for the 1960 Olympic team but was cut a week before the games (USA won gold that year). The night USA won gold in 1960 Herbs Brooks Sr. told Herb that "it looks like coach Riley cut the right guy"!! Could you imagine your dad saying that to you about you? It would be awful!! From 1960-1970 Herb played in 8 Olympics and world championships. Coach Herb Coached at the University of Minnesota leading them to the NCAA Championships in 1974, 1976 and 1979. In 1983 Herb had the oppurinity to coach at Michigian tech but turned it down to coach at St Cloud state Unoversity. Of course we all know that in 1980 he coached the Olympic team but did you know that he was the 1st American coach to lead a hand picked team to victory against the soviets in 20 years? After the Olympics he moved to Switzerland to coach for a year. He then coached the Rangers from 1981-1985 becoming the 1st american born coach in Ranger's history to win 100 games. He was also the coach for the Minnesotta North stars, New jersey devils, the Pittsburg penguins and the 1998 French olympic hockey team. Herb returned to coaching US olympic hockey in 2002. He was inducted into the US hockey hall of fame in 1990, the international hockey hall of fame in 1999 and then the hockey hall of fame in 2006. Coach Herb will be remembered forever as america's coach. He died August 11, 2003 when he fell asleep driving not wearing his seatbelt sadely he may have survived if he did wear it. He will be missed! Rest in piece coach!!